So much more happens between dusk and dawn than we even realise: people work the night shift in hospitals, lost souls meet others on the outskirts of the city to go dancing, someone wants to wake up his or her neighbourhood to disrupt the illusion of Sunday rest, whereas yet others have run themselves so rampant that they can only sink down, overcome by sleep.
For twelve hours, we will be exploring the topic of sleep as a motif in film during the Lange Filmnacht (Long Night of Film). Short experimental films meet long narratives, disrupting visual habits as if they were veritably made of the fabric of dreams. All through the night guests will accompany us, reflecting on the programme and engaging in dialogue with the audience. While everyone is welcome to slip into the mode of sleep, eat soup at midnight, or enjoy breakfast together, we are most excited to see which filmic impressions will outlast the shared experience.
Bring your own pillows and sleeping bags for a comfortable night!
A cooperation between the Internationales Frauen Film Fest Dortmund+Köln (IFFF) and Urbane Künste Ruhr. Curated by Vivien Buchhorn (IFFF) and Alisha Danscher (Urbane Künste Ruhr) in collaboration with Melanie Manchot.
Organised by Café Leye
The IFFF Dortmund+Köln is sponsored by: Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North RhineWestphalia; City of Dortmund / Cultural Office; City of Cologne, Film and Media Foundation NRW; German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; Sparkasse Dortmund; German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
The complete programme with short descriptions of the individual films can be found here.
- Festival
The Long Film Night project took place as part of Ruhr Ding: Schlaf from 05.05. to 25.06.2023 in Witten.