Peggy Buth

Peggy Buth was born in Berlin in 1971 and studied Photography and Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. She was a fellow of the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht and since the Winter Term 2016/2017 she has been Professor of Media Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. Peggy Buth works in a conceptual and process-orientated manner in a wide range of media. She often presents her works in the form of spatial installations that reinforce the complex links between her themes. Her works have been shown in numerous exhibitions within Germany and internationally: including the Exhibition Research Centre, John Moores University, Liverpool (UK); Folkwang Museum Essen (DE); Museum Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin (DE); Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart (DE); Camera Austria, Kunsthaus Graz, (AUT); CAC, Vilnius (LT); Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main (DE); K21, Düsseldorf (DE); Bétonsalon, Paris (FR); Brussels Biennial (BE).

UKR Wandersalon4 DO 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 8284
UKR Wandersalon4 DO 2018 c Daniel Sadrowski 8227 Wandersalon ©

Peggy Buth

In our fourth Wandersalon we invited together with the Hartware MedienKunstVerein artist Peggy Buth to the Dortmunder U.

Peggy Buth Vom Nutzen der Angst 2 Specials ©

Vom Nutzen der Angst – The Politics of Selection

In the multi-part installation Vom Nutzen der Angst – The Politics of Selection, artist Peggy Buth examines the corporate culture of Friedrich Krupp AG.